PO Splitting: One Unmapped Purchase Order to Multiple Investments

POs can be split to multiple marketing investments. If the split is not created in the imported file, Sheila needs to manually create the split for the unmapped PO after importing.

  1. On the Budget tab, select map (x) in the POs column in line with your desired investment plan.

  2. Note: The number x in brackets of map (x) indicates how many POs need to be mapped.

  3. On the Map POs screen, highlight the specific PO line within the panel that you wish to split.

  4. Select Split at the top of the screen.

  5. Note: When mapping and searching for a specific PO, you can sort the POs for quick viewing by selecting any of the column headers at the top of the panel. If you do not find the PO you are looking for, use the drop-down menu at the top of the screen and search another batch. The drop-down menu contains batched imports done on different days, toggle between these to find the desired PO.

  6. To manage the split select Add Location.

  7. The dialog Manage Split for PO is displayed. The list shows the unmapped PO.

  8. Map the PO by choosing the appropriate values in the Investment Plan, Category, and Line item columns for the first split.

  9. Click Add Location.

    Another table row is displayed.

  10. For the added row, select investment plan, category and line item in the respective columns.

  11. Repeat steps 4 to 7 for every split you need for this PO.

  12. Enter percentage for each split, but ensure your split percentages total exactly to 100%.

  13. Click Done.

  14. The Map POs screen is displayed.

  15. Click Map.

You have mapped and split the PO.


You can only split POs across investments in investment plans that you have access to. If you need to split POs across an investment plan which you do not have access to, contact your Administrator.